Friday, July 13, 2012

Goodbye, Tinny....Hello, Tinny

Tinny, our silver-laced wyandotte, is the NOISIEST little chick in the world. As in, you could hear her on the second floor of the house and she is in the basement.

Tinny - the world's loudest chick - in the middle

I am all for projecting voices, but not in a chick. I can only imagine how loud she would be as a full grown chicken. Not only that, but she flies right at the other chicks and pushes them around. She tries to fly out our faux-window in the brooder. She's a bully, I tell you.

And you know what I know? A loud and bossy chick in the brooder = a loud and bossy hen in the yard.

So. What is one to do with a super loud, aggressive chick? Maybe I am a neurotic first time mother hen. The farm supply store people laughed at me.  I returned her and got a different silver-laced wyandotte instead. A quieter one. Neighbors, you're welcome.

the new Tinny
Meet Tinny 2.0. I was all for renaming her (I had Lulu picked out), but the kids wanted to keep Tinny.

She's sweet. Quiet. Fits right in. Day 2 is going well.

From left: Fluff, Tinny 2.0, and Bowtie

It's looking like Fluff is going to be the leader. "Pecking order" is a real thing in the chicken world.


  1. Love it! A great little story in the making. Can't wait to hear more!

  2. I enjoyed hearing their little "cheep-cheep-cheep" on the phone this morning. SO sweet!
