Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Things I like about chickens:

1. They are emotionally stable. Is that a funny thing to think about a chicken? I have realized that I don't ever want an affectionately needy pet. My cat keeps her distance, with the occasional leg rub, and I like it like that. Chickens are even better than cats though; they would be happy if you never bothered them at all. Not to say that I don't bother them--they are way too fun to poke and chase and try to catch--but it's nice knowing they don't *need* it.

2. They are curious. I laid my hand in their brooder for a while this evening and each of them took turns pecking at a mole on my hand. It was funny to observe each of them individually discovering the mole, and then pecking at it to figure out what it was. Crazy chicks.

3. They eat bugs. Mine haven't exactly begun on this yet, but it is common knowledge that chickens are omnivores and enjoy a meaty bug when they can catch one.

4. They make a soothing sound. We luckily don't have a noisy hen (anymore...sorry Tinny 1.0), and the gentle cheeping and clucking they make is like a waterfall. I could fall asleep to it.

Today the chicks turned one week old. As soon as it gets warm again outside, I am going to let them have some roaming time in a little pen I built them in the yard. That will be fun to watch, as they learn about plants and bugs and other foods that aren't medicated chick feed. I'll be sure to take some pictures for you.

I'll end with a couple of coop options my dad and I have been discussing (my dad is building our coop for us--thanks, Dad!).

Simple, unassuming, nest box low enough that the kids can collect the eggs, possibly moveable.

Pretty, high enough that predators will not be tempted, tall enough that it would be easy to get in there to clean.

I am thinking #1 will be the winner. It would be easy to move around the yard if we wanted to, although I am thinking I will make a separate, mobile run for the hens for some controlled free ranging around the yard.

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